Oct 10, 2018
Faithful listeners of this
podcast will recognize the voice of Rev. Jose Humphreys. He is a
faith organizer, pastor of Metro Hope Covenant Church in East
Harlem and an early contributor to and architect of the Prophetic
Resistance Project. We talked with him about his new book “Seeing
Jesus in East Harlem” and the role people of faith need to play the
upcoming midterm elections. This episode includes a remix of our
original conversation with Pastor Jose. Released in 2016 as a
two-part series during the beta launch of this podcast, this
rich, energizing and still timely exchange varied - from defining
whiteness and Afro-Latinidad to engaging in resistance and the role
of the Evangelical church in the movement for justice.
Show Notes: Learn more about Metro
Hope Covenant Church http://www.metrohopenyc.org/
Purchase “Seeing Jesus
in East Harlem” https://www.josehumphreys.com/